Thursday, November 16, 2017

Tips For Travel With Kids- Diary 2- Top Ten Items To Bring On The Plane(For Babies And Toddlers)

I don't think I've heard anyone say that traveling with young children is piece of cake. If anyone has said that, maybe it was the the naive husband, since he just packed his own bag for the trip and all other child items just seemed to magically appear at the ready when he needed to use them.

 No. Usually I hear mothers say the travel experience was horrible, dramatic, too stressful, no sleep and they never want to do it again anytime soon. Vacation can wait for another season.

Its true, traveling with kids, especially the really young ones can be stressful. You are not alone in feeling this way. There is so much to think about before you leap onto a plane (or RV, tour bus or boat as I have done as well) and show up in a new place with children. It can feel exhausting JUST THINKING about all that you might need and all that could go wrong and you haven't even started the actual packing process yet. 

   Normal packing stress aside, I know there are a lot of you mommies out there like me that love, dream and crave the chance to travel in your current life. You also want to share these experiences with your kids. I know that you, like myself, don't want to just put a halt on your life and the chance of experiencing adventure, just cause you have young kids. I LOVE to travel and because of my life's reality I also HAVE to travel with my kids a lot. 

Though I have experienced many travel scenarios with my kids, it doesn't mean I would now call it easy or peaceful. There will always be the unexpected situations and the unexpected behaviors from your children that you can't plan for.  In all of my varied travel scenarios (and believe me, I have had many) I have learned some things that have helped me along the way. 

From the archive of my Cosmopolitan Housewife travel failures and victory stories, please join me as I continue  my series of blog posts about what to pack, what to prepare for and how to have the right mindset when traveling with kids.  

Yes, I know there will always be things that can go wrong when traveling with kids, but hear me when I say, THERE IS A LOT ABOUT TRAVELING WITH KIDS THAT CAN ACTUALLY GO RIGHT!! I hope I can encourage you to feel more confident about taking the leap and going on an adventure with your kids. I want to help you so you can actually enjoy your experience more, embrace the adventure and pat yourself on the back because YOU CONQUERED IT MOM HERO and you have stories to tell! 

The Plane Scenario:

If we mommies all grew 8 arms as our pregnant belly grew, we'd be set in so many ways! Unfortunately, we are only left with 2 arms, and maybe just one functioning arm if the other functioning arm is holding a child. If I were like a mother in Africa, I would balance a couple bags on my head as I travel with my two children attached to the front and back of me, but I'm just not as awesome as these beautiful African moms.

So for traveling with young ones on your own, you've got to realize that you may only be able to use ONE arm or a foot (done that too) to maneuver your children and your stuff (that you truly need) down a narrow aisle in a plane with exhausted onlooking strangers (that may be secretly hoping your seat is not next to theirs).  

Lets visualize the scenario further, if I may. As you hold a child in one arm, you've got to use the other ONE arm to put a suitcase above the passengers' fragile heads. That takes some effort especially if you are not used to lifting up to 40 pounds of weight with one arm above your breakable baby. Once you have figured out how to get this suitcase up high (usually because some kind person finally offered to help) you sit down with your child (or more than one child, relieved you made it. 

Shortly after you sit, you realize that there is something you need back in that suitcase you struggled and sweat to put above other passengers. Then the child you are holding all of a sudden, smells like he/she needs a diaper change and the stewardess is looking at you to make sure you don't try to change the diaper at your seat. This is when your body overheats as you try to visualize your next plan of action. If you have another young child with you and the baby who pooped his/her pants at the most inconvenient time, you can't leave the older child by his/herself, that would be abandonment or an anxiety attack for that child. So you decide you need to take both kids into the small plane bathroom with you. You reach down with your one free hand to try and grab your diaper mat and your diaper bag is playing tug of war with you because it's zipped up and packed so tight with the necessary items you are stressing to quickly grab. You finally get what you need after much struggle and now you must try to cram yourself and both children into the tiny bathroom closet to get this diaper changed.  At this point you need to reapply your deodorant or get a new brand altogether. Meanwhile, you wonder if you can figure out how to use the toilet yourself, but it makes no sense or seems like a mission impossible so you decide that you might as well let that desire go and try to do the mighty muscle work of holding your pee for the entire flight. 

Into the flight, you realize you can't enjoy a book and you can't move as you hold a sleeping child on your chest. Also, you try to distract the other child with items of interest and they are dropping all the little toys and crayons you brought all over the floor and in between seats. The flight attendant comes by to ask you if you would like a drink, but you can't figure out how to make room to put down a tray or what you will do if a child of yours bumps the open beverage all over you and your stuff, so you decline and dream of someone nursing you with an ice cold bottle of water. 

Just imagine it all. 

I didn't even cover all scenarios, but can you see that going on a plane with young ones is not for the faint of heart?

The scenario above has happened to me in some form and I recreated some of the visuals so you can see why I suggest these items below:

The Plane Plan:
This is your personal assistant, don't leave her behind. Bring this handy helper all the way to the gate and gate check it. You may find yourself using it just to carry all your bags if one child can walk and one child can be attached to you.  Trust me, you will always be glad you decided to bring your stroller. I have had many scenarios where I thought, "Nah, I don't need a stroller!" And then I end up drenched with sweat as I try to carry everything everywhere. I look at her (my stroller), as I return to the car in sweat and say, "why did I ever second guess you? I am not an awesome woman from Africa!"

You will see me running to a gate and my stroller has managed to hold a diaper bag, another large duffle bag, drinks, snacks and car seats. It really does come in handy.

I use a reclining umbrella stroller.  Its light like a regular umbrella stroller, but it reclines for that child that needs a nap on the go or for you to carry a car seat loaded with carry ons on top. Also the recliner has served me well when I have had to move both 5 year old and 2 year old quickly through the city streets.  

You can attach a large thin swaddle blanket for covering up the napper, some helpful hooks and drink holders and you are good to go! I also used on hand elastic headbands and hair bands knotted together (an invention  I came up with on the go in NYC) to keep their favorite toy, blankie, sippy cup or snack trap attached to the stroller) you can see it holding my daughter’s blankie in the picture below. (Aria napping in Hong Kong)

Baby Carrier:
This will give you the ability to use both hands. Use this to hold your littler one -so you can use two hands to push the stroller of stuff and chase after the older one or put the older one in the stroller. This will really be handy when you load items for screen checking and you board and exit the plane as well. 

 Contigo Auto-Seal Water Bottle 
For the nursing mom or just the sweaty hard working mom (so that means every mom), this bottle with push button and hook is my favorite. You can grab it with one hand, push the button and gulp down some much needed fluid. No need to hold it with one hand and unscrew the top with another hand(you don't have time to fuss over a poorly designed water bottle in the crowded plane) The attached hook is also handy so you never leave it behind. Attach the hook to your bag or your pant buckle if necessary, and you are good to go. And If it gets knocked over by a clumsy child, don't you worry cause it's not gonna open.

Large Mouth Carry On Bag 
(location-at your feet)
You may have to struggle with your children to get through the plane flight, but you don't want to be struggling with your bag too! You need a bag that is spacious, flexible and moldable so you can plop it down at your feet and leave it open wide for your helpful items to be quickly grabbed for the entire flight. 

You won't have to play tug of war with this bag as you use your one free hand to quickly grab a diaper, a pacifier, a snack, a sippy cup, wipes, nursing cover, stickers, books, ear plugs (for your next door neighbor if you are that thoughtful), etc. (*note: put all of the above items mentioned in this bag at your feet- don't make the mistake and put them in an overhead carry on)You can bring your favorite diaper bag for your day to day travel, but a crammed tight diaper bag is not my favorite bag for confined airplane rides.

Many times, I have personally been happy with a 99 cent TJ Maxx large recyclable bag (it has no zipper but it's wide, large and open and I can fit all sorts of stuff in there! Plus is is water resistant so it also substitutes as a great beach/outdoor/picnic bag for the trip!

Mini strap across purse/purse belt (a purse belt is a glorified stylish fanny pack- I care about what I wear, but if you don't go and get yourself a flourescent pink fanny pack) 
This needs to be small (clutch size) so that it fits in the diaper bag when you need it to (you don't want to be carrying multiple bags everywhere you go) but it can also be secured to your body when you have to take off and run after a child. I love having my camera and phone at the ready on this belt and also knowing when things get crazy, and my mind gets scattered (mom fog is real) my personal valuables are attached to me at any given moment. I have had many women chase me down and say "Where did you get that belt?!" I have a few. I have gotten them at craft fairs and on Etsy most recently. When I first had them they weren’t easy to find but now they are gaining popularity. These are so great for the crowded city and international travel because your valuables are attached and right in front of you. (The one below has a hidden zippered pocket behind the front pockets for extra safety of items like credit cards
or passports!) Make sure you get one that fits your phone!

Carry-On Suitcase & All Travel Suitcases with 4 quality rotation wheels

Do yourself and your family a favor and get yourself some sturdy suitcases with 4 rotating wheels. You can practically just push those in front of you through the terminal with one hand. No need to lean it diagonally behind you, although you can, you have more options with maneuvering these suitcases and options are what you need when you travel with kids.

Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer medication and Temperal thermometer 

Yes I have been that mom on the plane who had to walk down the aisles of a plane to ask other mom's if I could borrow their children's Tylenol and thermometer cause my child got burning hot suddenly while waiting to board the plane. Don't be like me.


A) Snacks! Snacks! Snacks! 
These handy munchies make for a much better flight and trip. Drop that in your larger mouth bag with portion sizes ready to go in Ziploc bags (bring extra) or snack traps. I love this snack trap below because you can seal it after to keep unfinished snacks fresher and messy crumbs inside and the lid will lock tightly like a pill bottle. No little kid is opening this thing! 

Bring a variety of snacks, along with your kids' spill proof water cups to distribute throughout the flight.

A Baby Bjorn plastic bib is another item I love to have on hand, and yes I have put these bibs on my children , poured some snacks in it’s covenient food grabbing pocket and let them run all over the airport on a lay over. Just wipe them down and reuse right away.

B) Plane Smart Activities
I have found that little toys and crayons are a huge mess and you don't have the space and time to go searching every nook and cranny of the plane for where they went later. You might as well kiss them goodbye once you hand them out. Bring items like stickers that can be placed in a sticker book or on their hands, a magnetic drawing board with attached drawing pen or an all in one activity table board that holds pens, a dry erase board and decals in place. I am not a huge fan of letting my kids stare at screens for hours on an entire flight, but when the time becomes necessary those touch pad digital screens are with me as my last resort.  Also the screens in the backs of airplane seats will save you from a lot of stress and you might get to catch a good movie yourself!

C) Slow, Surprise, Delight Method. 
This is your mommy tool. Start with letting your kids just be distracted with their row on the plane (the magazine, the barf bag, the emergency procedures etc) and slowly distribute other distractions throughout the flight. Don't give them everything at once or they will be over it all too soon. Remember how many hours you must count down on the plane before you can run and hide.  “Surprise and Delight” at a slow pace. On a number of flights I have found that my kids can be happy for an hour or so just playing with what's in their seat pocket or trying to put their seat buckle on.  Wait until their interest runs out mommy. 

Large clear trash bags 
These are for wrapping up carseats and strollers at the gate, especially when the weather is bad. The last thing you want to do to a tired child after a long flight is put them in a cold and wet carseat or stroller.

Carribeaner Hooks
Remember when I talked about all of us mommies wishing we had 8 hands to help us with kids. These little metal hooks are what will help you to carry those tiny items like hook on water bottles, blankets, toys, small bags etc.

Please know there is obviously more to bring like your personal baby essentials and preferences , but the above items have made me grateful I had them in my travels. 

An extra tip to become a Pro-Packing Mom is to make yourself a master packing list that you keep, so that when you return from your trip you can alter things on that list. You will gain more knowledge after a trip of what you did or didn't need on all your travels with kids. Soon enough you will have an expert list on hand.

I would love for any of you mommies to share below any tips that have worked for you on the plane with kids. I would also love it if you have questions for me, it will help spark a new blog post!

If you like my suggestions, I would love your help spreading the word. You can easily pin any of these photos to your Pinterest board or share with friends on other social media platforms! 
Thank you!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tips for Travel with Kids- Diary 1- Why I'm Going To Write About Traveling With Kids

      An acquaintance came up to me at a destination wedding, holding a baby on her hip, she smiled at me and sighed as she looked at her child. She and I had both come to the wedding with our kids in tow (the best way to do a wedding! I write this with sarcasm). This young mom told me that I had inspired her to be brave and travel with her kids. I was kind of taken off guard as to how she would know about my travel stories. Having just had another child, I was in a bit of a mom blur, so I had no recall as to what she was talking about.  Then she went on to tell me, "I remember seeing your post online about how you were breast feeding your baby in New York City. You were on top of an open air double decker bus, in the pouring rain, nursing your daughter under a rain poncho! You made me want to be confident with my kids and include them in my adventures. I thought, if she can do it, I can do it!"

        I was thankful that this encouraging mother reminded me of that story of myself breastfeeding in the rain, because I had completely forgotten about it and it made me laugh out loud remembering the absurdity of it all. I look back at those travel memories with my baby and think, I'm glad I took my baby to New York City with me (twice in her first year). We conquered it. Now I have fun stories to recall that make me laugh. I guess of course my only recall is if I have someone that will come up to me and remind me of those stories. Hah!

     Well this young mom's words to me about my travels with kids, along with other countless mothers' words to me, ("I'm so nervous, what do I need to know before I get on a plane with my baby?" or "How do you do it? I want to travel with my kids but it is so hard and it stresses me out!") have encouraged me to write these next blog posts about traveling with kids.  I feel there is a strong need out there for moms to have a fellow mommy friend help them with their travel plans and pep talk them all the way to the gate or boarding dock. I needed that myself when I was a new mom and I remember searching for all the mommy travelers I could find on the world wide web to give me some sage advice.

      So with that said, I will now do my best to add what I have learned and what I am STILL learning in my travels with my kids, to the beautiful world wide web of information. So Here it is, from a Cosmopolitan Housewife's Travel Journal, I will now commit to bring you a series of Tips On Travel With Kids (The Kid Diaries). These blog posts are for all you mommies out there that are searching for a friend to help you get your suitcases out the door! So join me here! We can do this!!

The next few Kid Travel Diary entries will be titled:
Diary 2- My Top Ten Items To Bring On The Plane For Babies and Toddlers
Diary 3- How To Travel With Your Kids and Enjoy It

As I write these Kid Travel Diaries, I would love to hear your questions, your stories and any advice that you have that worked for you too! Let's all be there for one another.

*Obviously, I can only speak from my personal experiences and what worked for me. You will have to tweak the way you travel as a mom to work for you and your kids. Maybe you'll be able to take something new with you from my posts to add to your travel list. Maybe you'll just be able to smile and relate like you are listening to a fellow mommy friend share her stories over coffee. Maybe you will read what I share and think "Hell no! I'm not ever traveling with my kids!" And that's totally okay.
Every time I set foot on a new adventure with my kids, I gain new insight. Please don't think that I consider myself the guru of mommy travels. I'm still on the motherhood journey of growing myself and learning along side the best of you. Let's share it together! So stay tuned as I release my Tips for Travel with Kids!