Thursday, June 11, 2015

Family Tour Bus -Day 9- Sleep

(Aria and Nick on the family tour bus.)

I never realized how important sleep was to me until I became a mom and I didn't get enough of it. I think I took sleep for granted, because I could always get more of it here and there when I had no kids and no one to take care of but myself.  I used to sleep in. I used to stay up late without feeling guilty. I used to get productive and creative late at night. Now if I stay up late, I already get grumpy about it knowing that I'm gonna have to get up so early and hate it. So really someone smarter than me should just sing me a lullaby and put me down to bed at an appropriate scheduled time nightly, because I can't seem to.

I have a friend that has 4 kids and she used to host all of us friends at her house  (when her 4 kids were maybe 5 years and under).  Come 10pm, as we were all laughing and having a good time, she'd announce very forwardly and quite loudly, "Goodnight, I'm going to bed!" and then she would disappear. I used to laugh about how militant she was about her sleep... but now I totally get it. 

If I don't get my sleep, I kind of hate the world. I may even hate you, and anything else that crosses my path. Everything looks a little bleak. My "love" and my "serving" meter is quite low. 

Can you tell that I am writing this after not having enough sleep?

I am on the tour bus awake with Ireland at 6AM in the back lounge while everyone is sleeping, cozy in their bunks with visions of sugar plums and goody gum drops dancing in their heads (side note: who has ever had a sugar plum or a gum drop dancing in their head?! Really?! I'm not a sweet tooth, so I don't get that visual for a dream- if you have had that dream, please do share!)

This tour has been a family adventure and we have already built some great memories as a family and with others, but I have been non-stop busy with little break or rest. I'm exhausted at the moment.

This same friend who would announce her bedtime to all of us when we were at her house, inspired a duet Tyrone and I wrote for our duet album. The story goes, that I was talking to her over the phone one night, she (already 3 kids in to mom life) and me (no kids and completely oblivious). She was talking about all that she had to do, how little time she had for anything, and how stressed her body was. Like the amazing and understanding friend I was, I decided to interject my "wisdom lacking" two cents, and said "What you are in need of is a girls night out!" (I was probably seeking some kind of fun night for her and I, because I missed her having time for that- a completely selfish suggestion on my end) and she immediately shut me up and said, 

"No! What I need is a hotel room by myself, with no kids, no husband, and no one needing me so that I can sleep!"

Hearing her, and all my other friends in the thick of child rearing, inspired some of the lyrics to our song "The Exhausted Spouse".  I hear them in a whole new way, now that I am also in the thick of mothering young kids. I understand your pain friends!

Hmm, all this rambling has produced a great thought. Maybe I should just ask the whole team on this tour if I can have a hotel room to myself for the night, and if they could all team up and watch my kids on the bus?!

I think I could use a little alone time, just God and I, to rejuvenate my mom battery.

Nough said.

A rare moment to enjoy my Ireland on a rocking chair

Hotel time and room service in Seattle

Creative activities are a must when traveling! (Aria makes up a game on the Seattle ferry)


  1. Love you friend!!! Praying for you and can't wait for you to get home!!!!

  2. Love this honest blog, Erin. I remember asking for a night in a hotel by myself for a gift once. Some people thought i was strange, but others knew JUST what I meant. I'll pray you get some rest. Sweet pic of Aria!

  3. You're honesty is refreshing! Moms are probably the most tired people on the planet! When you get home, I'll be happy to take the girls for you so you can get a nice long nap! :-) P.S. I think this is why I enjoy wine so much. I get the best sleep ever, hiccups and singing and all 😜

  4. Totally understand. I am the same "grumpy" also, when I am hungry :D and my little girl too :D
    You and the girls are sooo beautiful! :)
    Take care!
    XXX from Hungary (Europe ;) )

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